The Breeding of Climbing Perch (Anabas Testudineus) With Meristic Phylogenetic Hybridization Technique Sampled From Three Types of Swamp Ecosystems
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This study provides a valuable information on the patterns of hybridization in producing Climbing
perch’s fry which having a superior character to beneficially supports fish farming. The research was
carried out at Pokdakan Rawa Sejahtera Amuntai, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia from June to
December 2018. The hybridization procedures were applied to the selected broodstocks (total 135),
which taken from three different types of habitats namely rain reservoirs, monotonous and tidal
swamps. A complete random design was used as a research method with three treatments and nine
repetitions. A comprehensive investigation was done to provide the best performance among the
treatments. The results showed that the hybridized fish from monotonous swamp x tidal swamp was
the most superior across the trials in term of fecundity (18,500 eggs), GSI (18.1%), hatching rate
(89.5%), relative length growth (1,375%), relative weight growth (1,850%) and the percentage of birth
female (84 %) with the lowest mortality rate (29%). For aquaculture practices, the use of the fry
unisexual female would increase the fish growth 270% faster than the fry male.
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TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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