TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL 2024-02-19T08:23:53+00:00 Prof. Agung Nugroho, Ph.D Open Journal Systems <p class="p1">Tropical Wetland Journal (TWJ), with registration number <a href=";1375494852&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN&nbsp;2338-7653</a> &nbsp;(print) and ISSN&nbsp;<a href=";1524025247&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s1">2654-279X</span></a>&nbsp;(online), is an open access peer reviewed online journal in the field of tropical wetland and its related aspects, including ecology, diversity, climate, conservation, management, and utilization (agriculture). According to Ramsar convention definition, wetland environment is defined as areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters.</p> <p class="p1">TWJ was published by the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Postgraduate Program - Lambung Mangkurat University</a> (ULM Press Academic), in collaboration with the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Indonesian Swampland Agriculture Research Institute<span class="s1"> (Balittra)</span></a>. Since 2015, Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied for all business processes in TWJ. Therefore, authors are required to register in advance and upload their manuscripts online. This system allows readers, authors, editorial boards, editors, and peer reviewers to obtain the real-time status of manuscripts and purchase hard copies of journals. TWJ publishes two times a year, in June and November. Based on the Decree of the General Director of Strengthening the Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s1">No.85/M/KPT/2020</span></a>, it was designated as an Accredited Scientific Journal (Sinta 4).</p> <p class="p3">The aim of TWJ is to deliver quality research papers that reported state of the art of the current issues related to tropical wetland environment. TWJ provides a quality scientific platform to academicians, students, and professionals. TWJ publishes only original research papers and review papers. Acceptance for publication is subject to a double-blind peer-reviewing process.</p> ANALYSIS OF SALMONELLA SP. CONTENT IN BROILER MEAT FROM RPA & TPA IN BANJARBARU CITY 2024-02-19T08:23:42+00:00 Herliani Herliani Habibah Habibah M. Ilmi Hidayat <p>The purpose of this research is to detect the presence of Salmonella sp. bacteria contamination in broiler meat sold in TPA and RPA Banjarbaru. This study used a survey method with purposive sampling technique, with a total of 92 samples (2 from TPA and 2 from RPA). The research was conducted at 2 Broiler Slaughterhouses (TPA) and 2 Broiler Cutting Houses (RPA) in Banjarbaru City, followed by testing at the Laboratory of the Regional Veterinary Disease Investigator Testing Center for the Kalimantan Region. In TPA 1 Loktabat Utara, 22 samples were positive for Salmonella sp. out of 22 samples. Then, in TPA 2 Guntung Payung, 6 samples were positive for Salmonella sp. out of 22 samples, while in RPA 1 Guntung Manggis, none of the 24 samples tested positive for Salmonella sp., and in RPA 2 Landasan Ulin Timur, 2 samples were positive for Salmonella sp. out of 24 samples tested. In conclusion, out of 92 samples, the tested broiler meat originated from 2 TPA and 2 RPA. Positive Salmonella sp. samples were 63.6% in TPA and 4.16% in RPA.</p> 2024-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Composted Oil Palm Empty Bunches on Growth and Yield of Pakchoi Plants in Ultisol Soil 2024-02-19T08:23:45+00:00 Rabiatul Wahdah <p>Ultisol faces several challenges as agricultural land, including high soil acidity, low organic matter content, macro-nutrient deficiencies, and low cation exchange capacity that need to be addressed. One proposed solution is the use of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB/TKKS) compost, which is rich in N, K, and organic C. This compost can improve the physical properties and soil structure, making it a potential alternative for amending Ultisol. Pakchoi, a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, has broader stems and leaves compared to regular green mustard. It thrives in various conditions, both lowland and highland, and has a substantial market demand. This research aims to assess the impact of EFB/TKKS compost application on the growth and yield of pakchoi in Ultisol and to determine the optimal dosage. The study employs a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications, totaling 20 experimental units. The treatments include t0 = TKKS compost 0 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>, t1 = TKKS compost 15 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>, t2 = TKKS compost 20 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>, t3 = TKKS compost 25 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>, and t4 = TKKS compost 30 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>. The results indicate that the application of TKKS compost significantly influences the growth and yield of pakchoi in Ultisol, with the optimal dosage identified at 20 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>.</p> 2024-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## RIAP PERTUMBUHAN BALANGERAN, MERANTI MERAH DAN JELUTUNG RAWA DI HUTAN KAMPUS UNIVERSITAS PALANGKA RAYA 2024-02-19T08:23:48+00:00 Johanna Maria Rotinsulu <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Pengelolaan lahan gambut secara Lestari keberhasilannya dapat ditentukan dengan pemilihan jenis yang tepat dari aspek teknis, sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Kelestarian hutan menjadi semakin penting ketika kebutuhan kayu terus meningkat, sedangkan kelestarian bahan baku baik kuantitas maupun kualitasnya semakin menurun seperti gambaran kondisi hutan di Indonesia pada saat ini. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui riap diameter, riap tinggi dan riap volume <em>Balangeran</em>, <em>Jelutung Rawa</em> Miq dan <em>Meranti Merah</em>, dilakukan di Hutan Kampus Universitas Palangka Raya. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu dilakukan dengan membuat petak ukur di masing-masing plot tanaman dan menentukan sampel secara sengaja&nbsp; Hasil penelitian riap rata-rata tahunan diameter, tinggi dan volume untuk tanaman Balangeran (1,22 cm; 0,99m; 0,007m<sup>3</sup>), Maranti Merah (1,27 cm; 0,77m; 0,004m<sup>3</sup>) dan Jelutung Rawa (1,45 cm; 0,62m; 0,000m<sup>3</sup>). Balangeran dan Meranti Merah lebih tinggi pertumbuhannya dari pada Jelutung Rawa, disebabkan oleh jarak tanam, dan kurangnya Tindakan pemeliharaan. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan riap ata-rata tahunan diameter dan tinggi untuk jenis tanaman di Hutan Kampus UPR cukup optimal, sehingga perlu dilanjutkan pengukurannya sampai mencapai daur optimal produksi.</p> 2024-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Economic Valuation of Pesanggrahan Forest in Malang Regency 2024-02-19T08:23:51+00:00 Fresha Aflahul Ula Fatchur Rohman Vivi Novianti <p>Economic valuation is a method for revealing the importance of a forest based on monetary value. The economic valuation of the Pesanggrahan Forest is carried out to reveal the economic value of Direct Use Value, Indirect Use Value, Option Value, Existence Value, and Bequest Value to obtain the Total Economic Value (TEV) of the Pesanggrahan Forest area. The methods used to determine the economic value are Market Price, Replacement Method, and Contingent Valuation Method. The results show that Pesanggrahan Forest have a Total Economic Value IDR. 268,962,582,306. This total value is the value of the protected forest IDR. 145,753,885 and production forest IDR 123,209,166,421. This value describes the magnitude of the benefits of forest as an economic and ecological function in the Pesanggrahan Forest Area, Malang Regency. Protected forest have greater economic value than production forest, so it is hoped that forest conversion will not occur again, both in the Pesanggrahan Forest and other forest in Indonesia.</p> 2024-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Test of the Bacteriological Ability of Mangrove Nyirih (Xylocarpus granatum) as a Water Disinfectant 2024-02-19T08:23:53+00:00 Farida Heriyani Lia Yulia Budiarti Huda Ahdadia <p>Coliform bacteria contamination in wetlands poses a risk of causing waterborne diseases. Disinfectants are bactericidal, effectively reducing bacterial colonization in water. The coastal plant of mangrove nyirih or <em>Xylocarpus granatum</em> (<em>X.granatum</em>) contains various antibacterial compounds, so it can be used as a natural disinfectant. This study aims to analyze the bacteriological ability of mangrove nyirih as a disinfectant in water samples contaminated with Coliform. This laboratory experimental study used a pretest-posttest control group design. The dilution method was used to observe the effects of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% ethanol extract of mangrove leaves (L) and bark (B) of <em>X.granatum</em> as well as chlorine control. The parameters observed were the Coliform Most Probable Number (MPN) and Total Plate Count (TPC) in the test water sample. The results of the study, obtained a decrease in the Coliform MPN and TPC numbers of water samples after treatment. LB100% <em>X.granatum</em> extract produces an effect that is not significantly different from chlorine. In conclusion, mangrove nyirih has the ability as a water disinfectant.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> 2024-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##