Diversity of Arthropod at Soybean (Glycine max l. Merr) With Different Planting Distances

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Helda Orbani Rosa
Muhammad Indar Pramudi
Rinita Wulandari
As’ari As’ari


This study observed the spacing effect on arthropod diversity in soybean from November 2017 to January 2018. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design, with five replications and five different spacings: A - 20x20 cm, B - 20x30 cm, C - 20x40 cm, D 20x50 cm, and E - 20x60 cm. The highest arthropods were found at the narrowest spacing (20x 20 cm) and the lowest at the broadest spacing (20x60 cm). Soybean plantations in the study area had a medium category for diversity index (H'), a fairly even category for evenness index (E), and a low category for dominance index (D). All types of relative index values did not differ between treatments.


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Orbani Rosa, H., Pramudi, M., Wulandari, R., & As’ari, A. (2023). Diversity of Arthropod at Soybean (Glycine max l. Merr) With Different Planting Distances. TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL, 8(2), 8-15. https://doi.org/10.20527/twj.v8i2.111


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